How Opportunists Take (Living) Space Away From the Less Opportunistic

The fate of the masses in virtually every area of our lives since the dawn of human civilization has been determined primarily by the directions taken by opportunists – people who constitute a narrow minority of our communities and societies, yet who have the most influence on our relations, our systems and the public opinion that provide the framework conditions.…

Party Politics and the Crisis of Democracy

While constant warfare is raging between liberal, conservative and other political forces at national and international level, the willingness to join parties and the trust society has in them has been severely eroded worldwide.…

Liberals vs. Conservatives: A War of Extremes

One of today’s main trends and sources of conflict in the (so-called) more developed parts of the world is the confrontation and constant struggle between liberal and conservative forces. Depending on one’s place of birth and residence, family and upbringing, social environment, life experiences and identity (which is largely derived from them), you may yourself be a member of one camp or the other, or a sympathizer of one or the other, and therefore the discussion of this topic is likely to provoke no small emotional response.…